Wednesday 24 June 2015

Baigan Chokha (Eggplant Dip)

Baigan Chokha (Eggplant Dip)

So it's Wednesday, the middle of the week and I wanted something light but nutritious to eat so I opted for baigan chokha (eggplant dip). Eggplant is indeed very healthy for the body so I try to include it in my diet on a weekly basis in some form or the other.

Baigan Chokha is a very popular Trini dish and can be eaten with any variety of roti. Sometimes i even have it with multigrain CRIX. It's really very simple to make. 

For this i used the following ingredients:
  • 3 Baigans (eggplant)
  • Bird peppers
  • 4 Cloves garlic
  • 3 leaves chadon-beni (bandanya)- this is optional
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 pimento chopped
  • olive oil

Now comes the fun part . It may get a bit messy so I used gloves.


  • Make a lengthwise slit in each baigan.
  • Insert peeled garlic and bird peppers into this slit.
  • Lightly rub down baigan with oil and roast on open flame, turning until cooked thoroughly.

  • On Platter remove stem, slit open and scoop out roasted baigan. Place in a bowl.

  • Add  pimento, chadon-beni, salt, more peppers if desired and grate the onion in the bowl.

  • Add olive oil and whisk briskly with fork, crushing any whole peppers and garlic as demonstrated below.

I must say the end product was awesome!! I totally enjoyed the exotic smoky flavour.

Remember to cook with love and good vibes.

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