Q. I notice that my blended green seasoning turns brown even though I store it in the refrigerator. Do you have any suggestions on keeping it fresh?

A. Usually when I blend a batch of fresh green seasoning I pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze it. This simply maintains the integrity of the seasoning and when required I take out a couple cubes to thaw. 

Q. Where can I get the ingredients used in this blog?

A. My Products page has a listing of the main ingredients and the local stores where they were purchased. This page may be updated.
Q. How can I tell if shrimp has been under cooked or cooked for too long?

A. Once the shrimp have turned to a pink colour, they are done. It only takes a few minutes to cook them. When they are overcooked, they tend to be rubbery, dry and hard to chew. Also remember, they are still cooking for a few minutes after you remove them from the pan. It would be best to take one out and test it.