Thursday 25 June 2015

Stir Fried Caraillee

Well it's dinner time again and found 2 caraillees on the kitchen counter just staring back at me. This bitter melon (also known as bitter gourd) resembles a cucumber but with ugly gourd like bumps on  the entire surface.

As the name implies, this vegetable is a melon which is bitter to the taste. There are actually two varieties of caraillee: One grows to approximately 20 cm long, is oblong and pale green in colour. The other is the smaller variety, which is less than 10 cm long, oval and has a dark green hue.

Both types contain seeds that are white when unripe and turn red when ripe. The vegetable turns reddish-orange when ripe and increases in bitterness and is very healthy.

Quick Nutritional Facts About Caraillee

  • Very low in calories
  • Dense with precious nutrients
  • Excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, magnesium, folate, zinc, phosphorous, manganese, high fibre content
  • Rich in iron
  • Contains twice the beta-carotene of broccoli
  • Contains twice the calcium as spinach
  • Contains twice the potassium as banana
Thus taking all of these facts into consideration I decided to prepare Stir Fried Caraillee which is really quick and easy.

  • 2 caraillees, washed and sliced 

  • 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 very small onion 
  • 1 very small tomato chopped
  • 1 pimento chopped
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • pinch of salt

  • Heat skillet and add oil.
  • Add onion, garlic, tomato, pimento and stir.
  • Add chopped caraillee and salt.
  • Stir, cover tightly and simmer on very low heat.
  • Cooking time is 7-10 mins

Tastes delicious and goes well with regular sada roti. For lunch you can try it with dhal, rice and mango amchar.
Remember to cook with love and good vibes.

1 comment:

  1. you know is very healthy too

    i like when it really get golden yum with some roti n pepper!
