Monday 6 July 2015

Fish Nuggets

Fish Nuggets

Another weekend has just come to a close and Saturday I was not in the mood to cook anything elaborate. I thought fish nuggets would be a  great addition to lunch.  It's healthy and relatively easy to make.

I purchased the fresh fish from the local fishmonger but you have many different options. You can also get your fish at your regular local supermarket or from a seafood specialist such as :

In the event that you are being adventurous and  have to clean, scale and gut the fish you can follow the simple  procedure in this clip.

For my nuggets I used local trini salmon (also known as sea trout)

Sea trout is an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are linked with reduced risk of heart disease and some cancers.


  • 1 local salmon (scaled, gutted and washed)
  • whole wheat flour (to make the batter)
  • blended green  seasoning 
  • thyme
  • canola oil  (or coconut oil) for frying
  • ½ tsp sea salt


  • Cut up the filleted salmon into small pieces 
  • Season with salt, blended green seasoning and thyme.

  • Roll the fish chunks in the wholewheat flour until fully coated.
  • Heat frying pan with canola/ coconut oil
  • Place fish chunks into pan and fry until golden brown

In general fish does not take long to cook. To test to see if the fish is thoroughly cooked cut a piece and ensure that the inside is white. If it is still translucent this means it is not finished and requires more cooking.

This is how my nuggets turned out. As you would notice I placed the fish on a paper towel to to make sure that the excess oil is properly absorbed.

What I have noticed is that the whole wheat flour batter acts as a shield for the nuggets and less oil is absorbed during frying thereby rendering it much healthier than regular white flour.

Hope you try this soon.  Mine was really crunchy and  tasty with some pepper sauce.

Remember to cook with love and good vibes.

1 comment:

  1. looks yum i like my nuggests!

    can't get enough fish and all fish has some health benefits.

    good way to stay away from all the chicken!
