Thursday 2 July 2015

Tofu Nuggets

Tofu Nuggets

Tofu, or bean curd, is a popular food derived from soya. It is made by curdling fresh soya milk, pressing it into a solid block and then cooling it – in much the same way that traditional dairy cheese is made by curdling and solidifying milk. The liquid (whey) is discarded, and the curds are pressed to form a cohesive bond. A staple ingredient in Thai and Chinese  cookery, it can be cooked in different ways to change its texture from smooth and soft to crisp and crunchy.

Like many soya foods, tofu originated in China. Legend has it that it was discovered about 2000 years ago by a Chinese cook who accidentally curdled soy milk when he added nigari seaweed. Introduced into Japan in the eighth century, tofu was originally called okabe. Its modern name did not come into use until 1400. By the 1960s, interest in healthy eating brought tofu to Western nations. Since that time, countless research has demonstrated the many benefits that soya and tofu can provide.

Nutritional Highlights

Tofu is a good source of protein and contains all eight essential amino acids. It is also an excellent source of iron and calcium and the minerals manganese, selenium and phosphorous. In addition, tofu is a good source of magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamin B1.
Tofu is an excellent food from a nutritional and health perspective. It is thought to provide the same sort of protection against cancer and heart disease as soya beans. Soya protein (from which tofu is derived) is believed to help lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). For additional health benefits of tofu please visit the following link: 
If you are a vegetarian or vegan, soya based foods like tofu can be an invaluable part of your diet. One of my favourite ways to make tofu is in the form of nuggets and this is very simple.


  • 1 block of tofu (cubed)
  • 1 pkt Sincere's frying batter
  • vegetarian chinese seasoning (no MSG)
  • canola oil for frying
  • hot sesame oil


  • To the cubed tofu sprinkle some chinese seasoning then add the frying batter powder.
  • Add a few drops of water to bind the batter to the surface of the tofu. Roll the tofu in this until fully coated
  • Add a few drops of hot sesame oil for added flavour
  • Heat frying pan with canola oil
  • Place tofu chunks into pan and fry until golden brown
And there you have it ...crunchy, tasty tofu nuggets which everyone can enjoy.

These nuggets can accompany almost any meal.

Remember to cook with love and good vibes.


  1. Hi, i had tofu once in a tomato sauce and it was nice, a welcome change. a good source of protein if you not eating meat.

  2. Very much so...the trick with tofu is to make sure it's seasoned properly since on its own it is very bland.
