Friday 17 July 2015

Homemade Chocolate Cake

Homemade Chocolate Cake

Wow! I can't believe this is my 20th post already.

I recently had a piece of store bought chocolate cake at a party and it was the worst. I practically had to hunt for the cake. It was lost in the super sweet icing, the kind that could probably give you diabetes instantaneously. It was a total waste of money.
In light of this i want to share with you a recipe I have been using since I was 6 years old. Over the years I have experimented with it and modified it slightly to make it a bit healthier. Here is the original recipe. It is very basic.


  • 8 oz                 margarine
  • 8 oz                 brown sugar
  • 8 oz                 white flour (sifted)
  • 3 oz                 cocoa (sifted)
  • ½ tsp               baking powder (sifted)
  • 4                      eggs
  • 1 tsp                vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp                lime juice 
  • ½ tsp               lime  zest (approx )


  • Cream margarine and sugar until this batter is light and creamy in texture. (I mix this with a wooden spoon since it gives better results than an electronic mixer).
  • Break eggs individually to ensure none are rotten. Empty them into glass measuring cup while keeping yolks whole.
  • Add essence, lime juice and zest to the measuring cup. (the lime cuts the freshness of eggs)
  • Pour out one egg and liquid into the batter and beat with metal pot spoon. Add approx ½ pot spoon of sifted flour to this mixture and gently fold in. (>>this prevents curdling)
  •  Repeat the above process (i.e alternating egg and flour). To the LAST batch of flour add the Cocoa and baking powder then fold gently. 
  •  Place mixture into a greased cake tin.
  • Bake in moderate oven (325-350°F) 40-45minutes in 1 tin or 25-30 minutes for cupcakes. (stick skewer in middle of cake > if it comes up clean this means cake is finished).
  This is the end result.
If you wish you can make a layered cake with two of these 1/2 LB cakes. All you have to do is sandwich them together with chocolate frosting which is very easy to make.


  • 2.5 oz              margarine
  • 8 oz                 sieved icing sugar
  • 4 tbsp              cocoa (sifted)
  • 3 tbsp              hot evaporated milk
  • 1 tsp                vanilla essence


  • Melt margarine, blending in cocoa, then stir in icing sugar milk and essence.
Best until smooth and thick and should look like this.

Your double layered chocolate cake should like the pic below. 
For all you chocolate lovers this is the ultimate birthday cake!

Remember to cook with love and good vibes.


  1. oh my, hmmm that box cake cant beat homemade.yum especially when it still warm n gooey!!!!!

    better with chocolate chips in the centre

  2. You are surely right ..nothing beats a warm, soft piece of homemade chocolate cake. I usually put dark chocolate chips in the plain sponge cake that i bake. totally awesome!

    1. & dont forget BROWNIES yummmmm with some nuts in it for a lil crunch

      its 3am n i feeling hungry for some chocolate anything!

  3. This cake looks great, I will be trying it today.

    1. Thanks Curlan. Maybe you can make some cupcakes for the kids too :)
